Game Details:
Rules: Piquet Field of Battle, 3rd Edition
Scenario: "Iuka" from the book "Rebel Yell, Yankee Hurrah!" by Potomac Publications
Game Scale: Regiment - 1"=40yds (apx.)
Figure Scale: 10mm
Table Size: 5'X5'
Table Overview:
Game Length: 4 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Victory Conditions: The Federals Must Possess the Bay Springs-Iuka/ Mill Road intersection at the end of the game. The Confederates must hold the intersection. Anything less is a draw.
Initial Setup:
Initial setup from the Federals Side of the table. |
Initial setup from the Confederate side of the table. |
Brig. General Louis Hebert oversees the placement of Clarks artillery battery on the Bay Springs-Iuka/Settlement Road Intersection. This Intersection is the Union's objective for the game.
Turn 1 (4:00 - 5:00)
4:00 - 4:20 | On the first Union movement card, division commander General Charles Hamilton is forced to take personal control of Sanborn's Brigade after Col. Sanborn rolls a one for movement. General Hamilton rolls even and gets three movement segments. Sanborn's brigade is rushed down the Settlement Road and then formed into line of battle.
4:00 - 4:20 | Sullivan's Brigade is the second Union brigade to arrive on the table. They advance north in column of march along the Settlement Road.
4:00 - 4:20 | Col. Jerimiah Sullivan oversees his brigade as they move on to the table.
 | 4:20 – 4:40 | The Confederate Command uses its first two move cards to form its two brigades into a defensive line. Clarks Battery is the center of this line.
4:20-4:40 | On the Confederate left flank, the St. Louis Battery unlimbers on a ridge that overlooks the Bay Springs-Iuka Road. On the next Artillery fire power card, they open fire on Sullivan’s Brigade as they march up the road. The bombardment scores a hit on one of the regiments causing one unit integrity loss and disorder.
4:20 - 4:40 | Before the bombardment from the St. louis battery can cause anymore damage, General Sullivan rally's his disordered regiment and deploys his brigade into line of battle.
4:20 - 4:40 | On the Union Left, Sanborn's brigade opens fire on the Confederate skirmishers. The fire forces one of the units to fall back disordered with 1 UI loss.
4:40 - 5:00 | The 17th Arkansas moves into position on the
Confederate Left flank next to the St. Louis Battery
4:40 - 5:00 | On the next Union movement card, Sanborn’s Brigade begins its attack on the Confederate line.
4:40 - 5:00 | The Union’s attack looking north.
4:40 - 5:00 | After the Federals complete their movement both sides choose to preform opportunity fire. The Confederates fire first. Their fire causes one Union regiment to rout. On the Bay Springs-Iuka/Settlement Rd intersection Clarks Battery fires into the advancing federals at close range. The fire is ineffective!
4:40 - 5:00 | The Union Brigade then returns fire. The 26th Missouri takes aim and fires at Clarks Battery. They score three hits and destroy the battery! The union fire also causes the 40th Mississippi to fall back disordered with one unit integrity loss. The Bay Springs-Iuka/Settlement Rd intersection is now undefended.
5:00 [End of turn 1] Turn one ends after the Confederates completes their sequence deck. The Union side had three very critical cards remaining in their deck. They were, move, infantry fire and Melee. The loss of three cards could be critical to the outcome of the battle.
Part 2 Coming Soon