
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

10mm American Civil War Project Update (February)

My main focus for the month of February was painting a batch of 400 advancing Confederate infantrymen from Pendraken. Up to this point I have painted mostly marching infantry. As I expected, Pendraken’s advancing infantry is just as good as their marching infantry. The only downside is the Confederate set only comes in two poses, but these can be mixed with the Union set to give you five poses. I’m hoping to have this batch of troops completed before I leave for Cold Wars.

This photo was taken on 1/24/2012. Looks like I have a lot of work before me
This photo was taken today. Almost done

I also spent a small part of my time painting up a few more of my buildings form Jerry’s Hobby Junction. I’m so happy with how these buildings turned out that I plan to purchase more of them from Battlefield Terrain Concepts at Cold Wars.

So what’s next? I want to keep my painting momentum going, so I plan to put off basing my newly painted Confederate infantry for a while and instead move on to painting 400 advancing Union Infantrymen. Once these are completed I will go back and base both batches of infantry.

That’s all for this month.


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